When you have found the right data the hard work starts.

With the amount of published research ever-growing,

the challenge for the researcher is to come up with original research. 

Machine learning models can help with this. 

They assist researchers in finding new areas of research, 

summarize the available publications

and can verify the research against existing knowledge. 


AerospaceAI ‘s research engine helps eliminate workload. 

Reducing the scope and work of the research

allows researchers to focus on what they do best;

pushing humanity to new heights. 



Use Cases

Get an overview of existing work.

Plotted against a timeline and weighted by impact factor,

A researcher can quickly assess what the latest and most relevant research is in their respective field. 

Quickly test hyptotheses.

Before spending time and work on 

See previously published papers on data points.


Getting an historic overview of papers published on a set of data will give researchers new insight on what research has been done and what conclusions were drawn.


Our platform is launching in 2022.
